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Your H&S Responsibilities

Understand some of the basics of the H&S Act and what you need to know when working for WTGL.


Goal of this training

Remember the key cornerstones of your responsibilities. This training covers:

  • Don't hurt nobody: The basic philosophy of the act.
  • Your workplace: How is the term workplace defined?
  • What is a PCBU: And what are your responsibilities as a PCBU?
  • Engage and Take Action: Assess, communicate and report.
  • Don't hesitate: There are no mistakes in communication.



Our Training

Everyone working for or at WTGL has to be trained on our health & safety philosophy.

We have designed it to eliminate unnecessary meetings & paperwork and at the same time better communication and faster implementation of improvements. 

Please familiarise yourself with the tools and your responsibilities.

The WTGL Team



Don't hurt nobody

The Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 says that we must make sure that our team, guests and anyone we are working with is protected from harm.

As your management it is our responsibility to provide systems that make sure that risks are identified, and improvements are made on an ongoing basis. We are also responsible for giving everyone in our team the tools and training required to help us achieve continuous improvement in the workplace. 

Risks and hazards are not set in stone and cannot be trained at once. Our workplace is a ever changing environment. Where there may not be a risk, hazard or way to improve today there may be one tomorrow and everyone in the team is responsible to help us discover them and make sure we are aware and learn together as a company. 

Please read the following to understand your responsibility when working for WTGL. If there is any doubt or you have any questions or suggestions it is your responsibility to address these with us to make sure we can adapt and make your workplace safer and better at any time. 



The workplace

In the act the workplace is defined as any place you are visiting during your work hours. This includes your familiar work areas but also places you may have to visit such as petrol stations, stores, garages or anywhere we may sent you to during work hours. At all these places you have a responsibility to act as a PCBU and may communicate with other PCBUs to make sure everything is safe. 



You are a PCBU
(Person Conducting Business or Undertaking)

This is a legal term that refers to your responsibilities at the work place. At all these places you have a responsibility to act as a PCBU and may communicate with other PCBUs to make sure everything is safe. 

According to the Act, everyone in a business including contractors and people you work with, or you may visit, or interact with professionally has a responsibility for creating a safe environment for the business to operate in.

Whether it is people you interact with at a garage, or the farmer or contractors on Terawhiti Station you may encounter. Most of the times there are many people (PCBU's) involved and responsible for making sure the workplace is safe.

In practical terms this mean that if you drop off people at Weta, or you move on private land it is your responsibility to be alert and share information with anyone that is involved while you are delivering tourism services.



There is construction at Wētā that potentially causes risk. The Wētā team is responsible for letting you know so that you can assess the situation and take any necessary risk management steps. If the risk remains or has not been identified by the Weta team is is your responsibility to communicate it. It is also your responsibility to make a decision to communicate with with our management, so that we can make sure the risk is communicated with our the team. 

In the above case there may be four or more PCBUs involved, each with responsibility to communicate and coordinate and make the best call on how the situation is handled.  

Another example would be a slip you may see developing on the road to the coast or a dangerous intersection you may feel uneasy about. It is your responsibility to inform management of the potential risk, so that a risk management response can be formulated and communicated to the team. 


Make sure you understand your responsibility and/or shared responsibility for the safety of our guest and everyone we work with. In doubt it is your responsibility to find out and/or ask questions to your leadership.



Engage and Take Action

In an unexpected situation or emergency check who else may be around to evaluate the situation and who may be able to help you (e.g. the manager at Wētā, the landowner or contractor that may be working on the same property). If required call us. Use your judgement to make the call, as no situation is alike. 

If you are confident to move on and take action.

After every event it is important to log the event either through the "Report it" form, if additional action is required. Or through the "Improve it" for if no action is required.



General Concern or Suggestions

Address any general suggestions for improvements or concerns immediately through any of the known channels. If it is the most effective option in the given situation you can always pick up the phone too and talk to the relevant party.  

The only bad submissions are the once not made. Please help us to collect as much information as possible. 


Communication is the key

There are no mistakes in communication. The only mistakes ocure if something is not communicated. We have prepared several ways for you to contact us with different challenges and opportunities. 

We encourage any communication and submission. If you are not familiar or can't remember a process that is fine. Make sure you make contact to the management team as often as you can to make sure we hear all the information first hand. 

Only a suggestion, comment or concern that has not been communicated is a bad one we wont be able to react on.



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