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How to look after your wellbeing and make WTGL a better place to work. 


Goal of this training

Understanding wellbeing and how we make sure to keep improving the workspace. 

This training covers:

  • Wellbeing Philosophy: the tools and resources we provide to make WTGL an enjoyable workplace. 
  • What we Expect: Your responsibilities as a team member,
  • Wellbeing Bonus: How we support your wellbeing (outside of work).
  • Open Door Policy: Via phone and anywhere we are.
  • Forms & Submissions: How to raise concerns or share ideas.
  • Confidential Support & External Advice: What if you can't find internal help. 



Wellbeing Philosophy

Becoming the #1 employer of choice

The wellbeing of our team, guests and everyone we are working with is our prime focus. Going beyond legally required responsibilities to prevent work-related harm to health, our philosophy is “betterment”.

An ideal workplace and the time spent there should complement the personal lives of our people, rather than take from it. We want to add value, deliver a workplace with opportunities and fair financial reimbursement that meets the needs to sustain a stable quality of life. 

Our vision is to become the #1 employer of choice in tourism. Satisfaction at work is our path to get there. 


What we Expect

We appreciate our staff and contractors' wellbeing and happiness in their lives outside of work directly impacts on performance and enjoyment at work. A healthy balance between the two it is a win-win. 

Everyone in the team is continuously expected to deliver feedback on how we can continuously improve and better the lives of everyone working with us. 


Wellbeing Bonus

We want to encourage and support your recreational activities. Want to buy a new fishing rod, a gym membership, BBQ, subscription or some new running shoes? With our wellbeing allowance we support purchases that directly contribute to you having a blast during your time off work.

Each guide that has been working with Wanderlust for 12 months or more is entitled to a wellbeing allowance of $200 per year towards a hobby, recreation or sport activity. Simply drop in the receipt for your purchase and our contribution will be approved.


Open Door Policy

We have an open-door policy. It is important that staff feel safe and comfortable to raise any issues or concerns with the person that is most trusted or can help best.  All team members have valuable ideas and suggestions to contribute to our experiences and the workplace. We believe in a ‘no surprises’ approach and want to address staff concerns as soon as possible, wherever possible.   


Forms and Submissions

Suggestions or concerns can be anonymously submitted at any time through our Missed Opportunity/Suggestions/Observations form. Please use this form if you want to submit an area of concern anonymously.


To report an incident, risk or concern you should submit an Incident Report. You will need to include your name in order to be able to follow up.


Confidential support & external advice

If you have a work-related matter that you would rather discuss in confidence you can talk to [nominate/appoint a staff advocate [– CAN DISCUSS].


Please always try to talk to the staff advocate in the company before considering third party options. Maybe we can help. However, if we are unable to help here a few resources that may provide you with the support you need.



More Resources

GOVT advice with problems at your workplace

Mental Health Helplinie

WorkSafe General Inquiries



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